Now, I'm concerned that at some point Adobe will shut my PSE off. I went to that email but no security code email ever arrived, even after several hours. Next, I'm getting another message telling me to put in the security codethat was sent to that backup email address. Next, I'm getting another window asking for a second email address to act as a backup. Adobe Photoshop Elements 2022 / Version: 20. Other members in the same case Thank - 12476064 - 12. I tried signing in and put in my normal email address and password. Solved: Hi Adobe Photoshop Elements 22 doesnt work correctly with Mac OS Monterey (new OS released 2 days ago). I closed it off, but I got this warnjng message saying that by not signing in Adobe reserves the right concerning use of PSE. Yesterday, I find that when I go to use PSE, an Adobe window pops up asking that I sign in. To Update Elements, Request you to please Launch and Close Elements Organizer and leave your system idle, depending on your interent connection speed - the update will be applied automatically and should fix the launch issue for PSE. Since Adobe is not doing anything to help customers with PSE 2021, I have just lived with rebooting every time I want to use PSE. There is an update available for Elements 2022, which fixes the launch issue in E2022. I have to reboot my Imac every time I use PSE. I bought Photoshop Elements 2021 in September of last year and installed it on my Imac and had the same probkems discusssd in this forum after the Monterey upgrade.